Saturday, April 08, 2006

La morte di GENE PITNEY

Singer Gene Pitney Dies at Age 65

I'm deeply saddened to have to inform everyone of the passing of the legendary Gene Pitney. He died in his sleep on Wednesday, April 5th, 2006 while on tour in the UK. He is survived by his wife and three sons.

Una piccola notizia per una grande scomparsa. E un grande dolore. Nel 1989 una straordinaria canzone di Gene Pitney cantata in coppia con Marc Almond raggiunse nuovamente la vetta delle charts inglesi. Si trattava di "Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart", un autentico gioiello, un grande momento di musica. Forse qualcuno amera' ricordarlo come voce ye'-ye' al festival di San Remo, con una travolgente "Quando vedrai la mia ragazza" nel 1964. Io avevo 7 anni, e registravo il festival direttamente dalla TV in bianco e nero con il mio registratore a bobine Geloso. Ovviamente in famiglia non si poteva fiatare, la registrazione avveniva con il microfono rettangolare puntato verso la cassa della televisione. Tempi lontanissimi...
Riporto pertanto uno stralcio di un giornale in cui Marc ricorda il cantante appena scomparso.
Davvero un piccolo pezzo di storia che se ne va.

Pitney - who found fame with Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa - was pronounced dead at the Hilton hotel at 1000 BST.
He was on a UK tour and had shown no signs of illness. The cause of death is not yet known but is not suspicious.
His biggest success was in the 1960s and he enjoyed a 1989 revival with his chart-topping duet, Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart, with Marc Almond.
Almond said he was "saddened and shocked" at the news. "Together we had one of the biggest hits of 1989 with Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart and it was an honour to have worked with him," he said.
"He was a great, unique singer of great, unique songs. Today is a sad day."


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